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Roata dubla pentru abdomen, Twin II, Spokey - Spokey

Roata dubla pentru abdomen, Twin II, Spokey

Roata dubla pentru abdomen, Twin II, Spokey

Status: Epuizat
Apreciere: 4.0/7 (37 voturi)

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Descriere - Roata dubla pentru abdomen, Twin II, Spokey

We place high demands on our equipment, so we make every effort to use the highest quality materials.

Its small size allows for easy storage and transport. Specially shaped handles ensure comfort and they do not slip out of hands during exercises.

The roller has been manufactured from a durable not absorbing moist material what helps to keep it clean. The steel handles are characterized by a greater durability. Thanks to giving a structure to the wheels (tread), an effective anti-skid protection has been obtained, what increase the workout safety and comfort at the same time.

Designed for home workout.

    Steel construction of the handles
    Treaded ati - skidding weel
    Easy to clean

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